Mastering the Basics of Equity Trading

Most view the stock market and investing as a means to an end – planning for a retirement that’s as comfortable as possible. The stock market and its subtleties are often left to those specialists schooled in the art of investing, and who claim to be able to place our money within those markets on our behalf, so that it grows, works for us, and sets us up nicely, for a golden future. However, there are non-financial advisors among us who have developed a keen interest in the inexact science of stock market trading, its excitement, dynamism, and the possibilities in financials it can bring.

If you’re part of that ilk, you’re looking for a basic understanding of the stock market, and some know-how on how stock trading works.

When it comes to how to learn equity trading, look no further than Top Trader Market for that knowledge. We’ve partnered with the Stock Market College, to bring you comprehensive beginners’ courses in the stock market basics, and how to develop a fundamental understanding of exchanges, supply and demand, and bulls versus bears.

Let’s go through some of those fundamentals here:

Technical analysis

An understanding of the behaviours of the market is the obvious jumping off point – after all, meaty portfolios are built on selling and buying based on predicted stock market events. So, a competent investor will devote time to following the market using knowledge gained, and a technical tool-belt that’s packed with systems that track stock movements, and so opportunities and trends.

Top Trader Market and the Stock Market College can give you those skills, and the tools to use to better equip yourself with all the stock market knowledge and advantage you’ll need to truly capitalise.

The Bull and the Bear – Fundamentals of Equity trading

The symbolism that’s given to the bull versus bear market analysis, is one that’s been infinitely appropriate since the dawning days of stock trading.

The imagery is apt and strong. Both animals are large and powerful, but somewhat tameable and easy to figure out, in certain cases – just like the stock market itself:

The Bear Market

A little more of a wilder symbol, the bear market is the one to be more wary of, often indicating a fall in stock prices, across any or all of the indexes within the market trade.

The Bull Market

Like its namesake, the bull market is the one that forges ever forward. This market typically means investor confidence, and so a likelihood of growth and profitability with the right investments.

Portfolio Diversification

The above is a quick overview, and very top-level start in a journey into understanding market movement. What you’ll come to understand in your trading journey, and when you learn equities online, is that bear markets are inevitable. But with sound knowledge in market analysis and the capabilities in strategy implementation that’ll come, risks can be avoided – it’s in the technique of establishing portfolio diversification.

Savvy investors analyse the market and build portfolios of multiple types of stocks, balancing the risk of losses that may come from environmental factors affecting certain businesses, with the tried and tested ‘reliables’ like index funds.

How Can I Learn About Equity Trading?

The above is a taster of what you’ll be covering in Top Trader Market and the Stock Market College’s Learn Equities Online coursework.

Learn how to analyse the markets, build a healthy portfolio, and become the master trader you’ve always known you could.
Enrol now.






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